sleepless in austin

After lying in bed for over an hour and a half and realizing sleep will not come, I decided to get up and be productive. Tomorrow I attempt a tiramisu and as well as preparation for my first ever fancy four course dinner party.

It seems that at 31 it is a little late to attempt making my first dessert from scratch, but nevertheless it is about time I tried.
My love for cooking began as a child when my mom gave me a 1974 Betty Crocker cookbook. I remember perusing the recipes before bed admiring at all of the pictures of food. Once I attempted to cook my family endured meals of mac and cheese with little hot dogs cut up on top and pear halves made to look like bunnies. All of which was quite fun, but still a far from anything culinary.
Over the years cooking didn't change much for me and I did not experiment either. I wasn't gifted with the same relationship to the kitchen as my father and brother who without any training or even a recipe, can create celebrations for your taste buds. (My dad's cornflake surprise excluded.)
I however, am a meticulous recipe follower and my recipes, like my Bible have served me well. I will let you know how it all turns out.


Kati said...

It will be great! Feel free to call if you have any questions!

Boettcher-Burkes: said...

I *wish* I could find some kind of inspiration in the kitchen! You say mac and cheese like I should have moved on by this stage in the game. Hmmm, I may need to evaluate tonight's dinner of ramen noodles and potato chips. Maybe those aren't really gasps of wonderment from Billy!

Take care - Tyf

Katie said...

I don't think we can ever move on from mac and cheese. It is the ultimate comfort food! :)

Anonymous said...

I loved the cornflake surprise. LOL

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